Thursday, November 19, 2015


Each year, I like to find different charities looking for help around the Christmas holiday to donate or volunteer at. I found that The American Heritage Girls, troop 1716, that both Lucy and Lily belong to, were participating in Operation Christmas Child. I had never heard of this before but found myself interested in learning more about it......

Operation Christmas Child is a very worthwhile organization, helping children from around the world, and a project of Samaritan's Purse. You fill a shoe box with small toys, candy, healthcare items and school supplies, along with other items of your choice.
Lucy and Lily showing all the items we purchased for our Operation Christmas Child gift shoe boxes. We chose to buy the plastic shoe boxes so the children would also have a sturdy storage box to use.
We squeezed all those items into our 5 shoe boxes! There was a mini assembly line going on in the dining room. Also included in each box was a letter and picture, so the children who receive the box will know a little about, and be able to see, who sent them their gift box.  Jocelyn, their mom, bought and printed out a special shipping label so the girls will find out what country their shoe box arrives in.  I really was happy to see the girls so involved in this and setting a personal goal for next year to double the amount of shoe boxes they put together. This is a great way for children to help other children who are much less fortunate then themselves. Most of these boxes go to orphanages and very poverty stricken countries.

Jocelyn, Lucy, Lily and I have already decided to participate again next year. We will be picking up supplies all throughout the upcoming year for next years Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes.

Until next time...

4 comments: said...

How absolutely wonderful. The girls have the fun and good feeling knowing they are helping the needy and the needy get great useful things in their shoeboxes. Wonderful wonderful project. Give both girls a big hug. Love this.

loz said...

Fabulous idea .. We had the shoe boxes every year here at the church where I go for craft classes. We did not have it this year so maybe they forgot..loz

Paula said...

This is a great idea and a wonderful way for the girls to "pay it forward". You're teaching your granddaughters to become wonderful women, God Bless you Clara!

Kat said...

This is such a nice idea! I might trying to do something similar with Claudia next year😊